Sunday, March 22, 2009

The History of Pencak Silat Mande Muda

Pencak Silat Mande Muda is the Suwanda family martial art, which combines techniques and principles from 28 Pencak Silat styles from West Java and other areas of Indonesia . Although created by Guru Besar Uyuh Suwanda in 1951, it has its roots in very ancient and traditional styles of Silat. This art was promoted widely throughout the world by Guru Besar Herman Suwanda and continues to reach the masses with the help of Guru Besar Rita Suwanda.

The word "Mande" comes from "Cimande, which Pak Uyuh believed to be the original silat system of West Java, It is a powerful art, with most of the Indonesian men and women family of Cimande hiding from the public what they knew. Even if you were to ask them if they knew pencak silat, they would deny any knowledge of Cimande, or pencak silat in general.
Being humble is a big part of being in good standing with the community and being a respectful person in pencak silat. We have no need to prove what we know, because what we know is part of our daily life. If you go to Cimande, you won't find people looking and talking like they know how to fight, but rather like everyday people working together to survive and live ordinary lives. They help one another in the village, sharing their knowledge with their family and neighbors.

"Muda" means "young" or "new". Mande Muda is likened to a young child always growing and looking for new silat material.

The main principle of Mande Muda is to continuously develop and practice. Only death can stop your growth and study. Another principle is to wait, Pak Uyuh believed that by waiting, you can best answer the "question" posed by the attack. According to Pak Uyuh, if someone attacks you, give him the best "answer"-the best technique that will prevent him from attacking again.

Right now PSMM ( Pencak Silat Mande Muda ) already grow up in Indonesia,USA and Europe. For more information about Pencak Silat Mande Muda international you can clik

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